Sunday, November 16, 2008

wHat a hoT day....

16 noVemBer 2008....a HOT SUNNY day...
oMg....sunDaY suNNy day~~~!!!shiT...
the SUN daMn biG on the skY...(forGiVe mY ruDeneSs....=.=)
a bLue skY beCome oranGe skY...
*aiks* reaLLy a HOT HOT HOT day...
suDenLLy feeL gona sinG a sonG...


faSt fasT sunseT ba....pLs....T^T...
borinG day ler....
waSte my hoLiday nia...
nothinG tO do...
wenT tO shoPPing noThinG to buY oso..
hMm..laTer haVe to be driVer feTch mY aunTy gO buY diNNer..haha~~
gO buY...erMmm..."curry fish head"...hahahaha... iM verY fuLL ler....
cOz juZ noW eaT jor...
toMyaM mee(shaRe wiF fren) + gonG bOh riCe + iCe bLenDed cuPPociNo...
daMn fuLL...laTer caN skiP joR mY diNNer d...
haha~~anD noW siT aT mY liVinG rOom wiThouT oN the aiRcoN...
iM sweaT liKe iN a sauNa rOom...*arrr*..hoT...
wiSh to gO iN freeZer rOom lo....haHa...
oR gO swiM..buT...hoT tOo..coZ ouTdOor...anD no ppL pei me....
haha~~~iZzit is tiMe tO lOok for a boYfriend tO haVe fuN wiF me?!
hahahhaha~~wHo goNa to be?!
hMmm...u? u? u?lols...
i think iM craZy jor...haha...

stoP here...iM taLk aLL nonSense here...hahaha...
is stiLL hoT here....

Thursday, November 13, 2008

mY 2007 deC graDuatioN daY...^^

hi~~^^mY fren...^^ updaTe mY graDuation pHoto...but..
oopSs..i forGet jor when d...oCt?!deC..?!hahha~~
sNap it aT our coLLege's loBBy...jaSsie me wiF joAnne~~^^

yeaH...finaLLy I graDuaTed d....yaHoo....

on Da waY to guRneY...aFter sNap ouR graDuatioN phOtO...*huraY*
we reaLLy liKe to sNap pHoto..aT caR aLso luan luan taKe....
lols...wHat a ugLy faCe..buT duNo whY...i liKe tHis piCs..hoW u thiNk mY fren??!?!
and anYone noE wHere isit?!lols..iM "monSter niCole"....

deC 08...goLden hoRse hoTel - loCateD kL..

lenG zai or not?!??!he is mY dear.......uncLe "表舅"...hahahahaha~~~

me wiTh a iPoh lenG lui...yVonne...^^niCe to knoW her....^^
sNap sNap wiF jaSsie...yeaH~~^^
"fonG..joaNne..Yen..jaSsie..niCole" da buFFet baLL room...
fLower...fLower...niCe or not?!...miNe is bLue~~~~~~~~~~^^
joaNNe mei mei wiF me....^^...haPPy lo~~
2 forMuLa 1 modeL....hahahahahahahha~~~>.<....

soMethinG inTeresTinG in mY memorabLe liFe...

2006..mY fren yoshiMi houSe..waiTing gaVe a birthDay suPrise~~

2006...had diNner aT seCret reCepi wiF mY besT fren...fonGfonG..

2005...aFter SPM...lasT daY!!!!...the maLay girL is "shoRt''...lols >.<

2005...afTer SPM...lasT day~~T^T...i miss mY seconDarY tiMe...mY fren...

2005...worK paRt tiMe joB aT "younG siS houSe"...wiF mY fren..we are CRAzY... aDverTisemenT?!..niCe jaCket we wear-inG...^^

2006...aT cLass...haha...forCe mY leCturer sNap piCs.."whiLe we can snaKe ma"!!>.<

2006...mY beFore i aTTend coLLege cLass...maiD aGencY...

2007...haPPy chinEse neW yeaR aT mCd...lols...wiF mY seCondaRy fren~~^^

2005....aT younG sis...wiF mY besT fren...fOong sTpenie~~

2005...aT younG sis...birtHday girL waS sTand aT the cenTer...girL~~^^

2005...lols...younG sis wiF caWaai ah girL miSaki~~^^

2005...oOps..younG sis houSe aGain...fOong + tinG + me~~^^ cheeSe..

2005...haPPy toGether...younG sis preTTy girL...>.<~~~

2005...ouR proJect presenTation "Tea Party"~~^^

2007...LKT coLLegues...eriCa me and GY...gY fareweLL aT "dragon-i"..miss her~~

2007...lols...aT babY caFe...gaTherinG wiF mY besT fren~~^^noTi us~~

2006...younG sis....^^4 oF us~~

2006...baTu feRinGGi...wiF kanG + fonG + me + penG...cOol...pLay waTer spoRt~~

2006...eXpLanet peNanG...lols...riDing hanG arounD penanG isLand...^^

2006...coLLege tiMe...aT cLass..mY birthDay...^^..its waS so suPrise foR me...~

2006...lols...danCing praTice cLass...prePare foR ouR orienTatioN niTe..."hiPs duN lie"~~

2008...jaSSie new houSe...partY..partY...

2006...coLLege tiMe...snaP wiF traNNer beFore we pracTice our maMbo ouR loBBy...^^

2008...jeSsyn birthdaY...aT new worLd park...民歌餐厅...~~^^

2008...aT gurneY driVe...tWinkLe tWinkLe liTTle sTar....^^

2007...aT ipoH...^^..wif mY dear aunty and granDma~~~

2007....cuTe babY cousin..mY broTher~~~lols...i loVe~~~

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

13 noVember 2008...todaY iM mOody~

feW daYs din upDate mY bLoG d..( lazY...=p )

todaY morn-inG - 7.05am...
"kok kok kok...lalala lala lala lalalala..lalala lala lalalala..
Hurry up and wait..So close,
but so far away
Everything..that you've always dreamed of
Close enough for you to tasteBut you just can't touch.."

rinGtone as mY hP aLarm cLock...=.=''
omG..earLy morninG hearD tHis rinG..
haiH haVe to waKe uP jor...T^T...

reaCheD oFFice 7.53am
on the pC...hMm...wenT to canTeen buY breaKfasT...( lOok around..=.='' )
noThinG to eat anD feeL no aPPetite...( wHat wRong wiTh me?! )
baCk to seaT...on mY coMpaNy sYstem...on pLurks...anD bLogger...( mOody )

Ermmm...wHat shuD i sTart to wriTe..?! ( *blur-inG* )
I oso dunno wHat i waN tO wriTe... ( enGlish or manDarin?! )
oMg...wHy suDenLLy so eMo-inG...( suDenLLy.... )

asK me whY? wHat reasOn makE me sO eMo?!
answeR = I oSo dunno...=.=''

I haTe mYseLf beinG eMo...( sorrY.. )
Cause I wiLL saiD soMethinG tHat hurT peopLe...

sO..mY deaR frienD...
iF u duN waN geT sCoLd or baD worD ouT froM mY mouTh..
beTTer duN trY tO cHaLLenge mY paTient now...
iF noT u wiLL diE beCause oF mY mouTh...
hoPe urs unDerstand ya...

whiLe work-inG..."lisTen-inG song"...


sanG by 刘若英"后来"
tHis sonG verY mean-inGs fuLL..
nexT sonG...

"Who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows, only time?
And who can say if your love grows,
As your hearth chose, only time?

Who can say why your heart sights,
As your live flies, only time?
And who can say why your heart
cries when your love lies, only time?

Who can say when the roads meet,
That love might be ,in your heart?
and who can say when the day sleeps,
and the night keeps all your heart?
Night keeps all your heart.....

Who can say if your love groves,
As your heart chose, only time?
And who can say where the road goes
Where the day flows, only time?

Who knows? Only time
Who knows? Only time...."

sanG bY enYa "onLy tiMe"
anoTher sonG caN reLax ur minD...

goT ppL feeL tHat whY mY bLog aLwaz intrO sonG ma?!
lols..dun feeL weiRd..cauSe i liKe to sHare thoSe niCe sonG to mY fren~
wHat kinD oF sonG u preFer?!
loVe? pOp? roCk? cLassiCal? musicaL? voYage?chineSe? enGlish?maLay?

xMas coMinG soon...( jinGle beLLe jinGle beLLe...>.<...-->jinG..ur sonG..haha~ )
anY pLan foR it mY fren?!
erMm...fren daTe me tO kL
feeL duN wan tO go on xMas...
sure loT oF ppL...( i dun like sO muCh ppL...=.='' )
goinG kiLL the ppL later...lols...( aM i fierCe?! )

brb...breaK tiMe...( feeL bit hunGry joR.... )

baCk..hMm..i waN coFFee~~ ( but no ciLing...=.= )
*damn*...aLL mY cilinG i aLwaz giVe it tO fren...
oso diN eaT anYthinG juz now...
haih...boreD + mooDy + tireD = 3D...

lazY to write d....stOp here...contiNue laTer...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Part 1...mY taiwan triP oN juLy08

On juLy08..i was went to taiwan haVe a 7days 6nights niCe triP there...^^
MY loVelY mother gifT me aS mY birthdaY present...a taiwan trip..
Before naik airplane...sure i will take picture around at airport...hehe~~
me with my mom^^...

Because of we take Hong Kong Cathay Pacific Airline, so we have to transfer airplane at Hong Kong Airport...
Oh my god...Hong Kong Airport darn big...We stay at the airport around 1 hours...
On the plane...Im keep on snap photo...i like blue sky~~~^^
Duno airplane meal is really nice or Im hungry...
look at the photo...i finished it as CLEAN as i can...haha~~(..tam chiak..=.='')
The first day reached taiwan...After we check in hotel...Our first location we went is..."西门町Xi Men Ding"

XMD got lot of nice Taiwan local nice food...Tour guide bring us along to eat “阿宗面线”

Is really delicious + big bowl...i share with my mom...cant really finished it..and the restaurant have no chair and table...All was standing and finished it there...haha...45NT...msia around RM5...^^

I like the building beside mom dint catched up it....omG....(..iM eat-inG ice-cream...niCe lih...)

Levi's and Fridays in Taiwan...anY differents?!?!?>.<
I like this shop very much...selling those special stuff... that look like indian shop?!?!>.<

i was get lie from a restaurant which is located in XMD...=.=''...i like the design...the seat was a swing..can swing while u waiting ur meal come...>.<~~

I ordered a set of mushroom spaghetti...ermm...around 300++NT...RM30++...arghh..T^T..

Who wan sourvenir from me...please choose it from here and take it yourself...(hahahahah~~~) really darn lot is 士林夜市...where am i?!?!iM stuck inside and taked photo..!!
The next entire day...ermm...forget went to where d...haha~~i cincai post d long as my fren u all know where im went and what i snap...haha~

This is the building which are stayed a BIG POTATO inside...Taiwan President..."sMaLL hoRse"
erMm...iM not really understand wat the signboard want to means...hahaha~~motor canot left turn?!?!?
here are the "自由广场"...that time darn hot....=.='' sweat...sweat...
the rubbish dump at "自由广场"...haha~~feel it snap it... "野柳"...when going in the beachs...entrance...^^take a snap with mom first...

hMm...there was a beach...but the beach was not the sand a rock beach...haha~~

niCe?!?!?...i like here...beside was sea...feel gona jump in and swim...>.<~~...look at another photo..look at the sky...when i there...i was reLax~~~ tat stone look like a bufalo!??!hMm...

It was a guy stone statue...behind a touching story....
long long time ago........Zzz...zzz...(..i was forgot the story d...=.=''..sorry my fren)

The famous stone at there...."Head of England Empress"...correct bo my fren?! english darn such....after leaving college...=.=...paiseh....*sobsob*

hiHi~~^^ with a cuTie aunTy...she is very funny aunty..i miss her..i lost her contace....T^T..

*shoutinG*...weLcome to taiWan....^^

On the road waY waLk baCk to bus...all look likes darn tired...esp...mY mom...>.<...which taking umbrealla...hahahahha~~~

here are...erm...(..sign...lost my memory...T^T...forget where d...) stupid..
wow....what a big...ermm...this is a square which for soldier mathcing place....

he was really so cOol~~~how u make joke front of him...he has no respon!!!..."pui fok, pui fok..."
and even hot till sweat or rain till wet...they oso no respon...juz stand there like a doll...(..canot touch them..but i got curi curi poke their body...haha...=p~~)

yoYo...mY loVely trip in taiwan..Theme Park..."六福村"~~haha...the entranCe...^^...that season theme park is "Kungfu Panda"..lols~~~
Look at the roller damn nice....arrr~~is a U shape...200perkm/ flying...i like it..
i like to move it move it.....>.<

lols...are you found me inside ma?!?!?iM shouting at there~~~~~~~~~~
which is what d...ermm...i know is "跳楼机"..forget in english call wat d....
is darn high...but....not really excite...cause...juz go up once time nia...!!!!...kedekut lo... is a music fountain...when music come...the water will follow the tempo sprinkle....^^

after that...coMe a cup of "Turkey ice-Cream" ice-cream...i first time taste it...XD..(...after fun...i become wet..=.=..ugLy...~~)

before we leave...."chiT chiaK"...snaP a "biG faMilY" photo sin~~lols...
all so funnY...niCe to meeT them...>.<~~

To be continue.....